September 24, 2003

Fly By Wire - Adrenaline!!!

Fly By Wire - "The world's fastest ride!"

I've got to get my butt down to New Zealand....not only to bungee jump (again), but to ride "Fly By Wire".

Imagine this: Large cable suspended across a huge canyon. Attached to the middle of the cable is another one, hanging down with a 13 foot rocket sled on the end. You (said victim) lies on the sled and powers up it's engine to fly around the canyon at 100mph and up to 3 Gs. You're in control of the sled as you whiz around the canyon doing arcs and dives.....Awesome!

Check out the videos and the great media review.

Posted by answerguru at September 24, 2003 10:07 PM | TrackBack
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